Learn How To Cut Down A Tree With A Chainsaw

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Well, this is the time you should be aware of global warming and not even thinking about cutting down trees. But, let’s face the truth- at times, it is quite necessary to cut trees. When you have to cut a tree with a chainsaw- you need to know how to do it best. Apparently, you do not want to get injured while cutting down a tree now do you?

Therefore, you have to know how to use a chainsaw. It’s not only about knowing how to turn the chainsaw on but also about knowing other aspects of cutting a tree. You need to be aware of the risks and methods that come with cutting a tree using a chainsaw.

What is a chainsaw?

A chainsaw is quite a clever and powerful tool because of its design. Apparently, it is a set of sharp teeth on a rotating chain. The chain rotates when it is turned on and cuts very hard surfaces easily. And, yes, it is something you mainly use to cut down trees.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw: A Step-by-step Guide

1.Check the local laws.

As I mentioned earlier, people are getting more and more aware of global warming and are controlling deforestation. You should take care that you do not end up paying a huge fine because you cut a tree that you are not supposed to. So, check the local laws and make sure you have permission to cut a tree- with a chainsaw or without one.

2.Be Safe.

When cutting down a tree with a chainsaw, it’s crucial to have the proper safety gear to protect yourself from injury. Here’s a list of the essential safety gear you should have:

  1. Chainsaw chaps: These are pants made of specialized fabric that will protect your legs from the chainsaw’s blades in case of a kickback.
  2. Hard hat or helmet: A hard hat or helmet will protect your head from falling branches and debris.
  3. Safety glasses or goggles: These will protect your eyes from wood chips, sawdust, and other debris.
  4. Ear protection: Chainsaws can be very loud, and long exposure can damage your hearing. Wear earplugs or earmuffs to protect your hearing.
  5. Gloves: Wear Chainsaw gloves to protect your hands from the chainsaw’s blades and to improve your grip on the chainsaw.
  6. Steel-toed boots: Chainsaws can cut through shoes and boots easily. Wear steel-toed boots to protect your feet from falling branches and the chainsaw.
  7. Long pants and a long-sleeved shirt: These will protect your skin from the chainsaw’s blades and from scratches and cuts caused by branches and other debris.

3.Study the place around the tree.

A tree is a huge thing- you do not want it to fall on a house or a beautiful garden. Therefore, you have to study the place around the tree. Which is the side that is most suitable for the tree to fall on? Which causes the least damage and danger?

You do not want another tree on the way when a tree you are cutting falls. That will just complicate things. Therefore, look around and choose the safest side to let the tree fall.

4.Study the tree itself.

Check out the length of the tree and especially the side it is leaning on. Apparently, it is easier to make trees fall on the side that it is already leaning towards. You can check out the width of the tree as well to get a clearer idea. You need to know well what you are up against.

5.Know the cuts you need to make.

Now, this is where you need to be very careful and knowledgeable. What kind of cut do you want the tree to get? Which will suit it best? Well, with a chainsaw you usually make only three cuts.

Two cuts that make an angled notch on the side the tree will fall on and a cut right on the back of it.

Now, let’s talk in detail about how the cuts should be.

The Angled Notch: This is apparently the most important cut. You will put in a horizontal cut at about one feet height from the ground. But, the cut should not go deeper than 1/3 of the width of the tree- because this can lead to serious accidents.

The second cut will be at an angle. Now, it depends on your purpose- what the angle will be. You can make it 70-degrees which is quite the ideal one.

But, you can do any of the following cuts as well:

Open-Faced: This is a cut where the angle is 90-degrees. So, the shape of the notch will be somewhat like a rectangle.

Conventional: In this case, the bottom cut is flat and the top cut has an angle of 45 degrees.

Humbolt: In this case, the angle is upside-down. It means that the top cut is flat and the bottom cut has an angle. The angle is 45 degrees.

The back cut: This is the cut you apply right behind the previous notch- in the direction opposite to the fall of the tree. But, make sure you do not go all in. Because that would lead to the tree falling on the ground suddenly.

You will later on use wedges to make the tree fall. And, when you do you will have to run about 20 feet away from the tree.

The Final Steps.

After your tree is on the ground, you can turn your chainsaw off (actually do this way before the tree is on the ground). Now, you need to take care of the mess you just created. Cut the tree into logs or whatever you plan to use them for. It is on you to transport the remaining parts away. Do not leave the place messy- take care of the debris as well.

In Conclusion

Even though you really should not be cutting a tree- I am considering that you really have to and that’s why you are. Make sure you plan well before you cut the tree- do not harm yourself, others or random property in the process- this is your main concern.

Apart from that, since you cut a tree and contribute to global warming- the least you can do is plant quite a lot of trees after whatever you cut the tree for. You should make up for the harm you caused the environment.

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